Huom! Olet Merikarvian kunnan arkistosivuilla, näitä sivuja ei enää ylläpidetä.
Siirry tästä Merikarvian kunnan nykyisille verkkosivuille:
Huom! Olet Merikarvian kunnan arkistosivuilla, näitä sivuja ei enää ylläpidetä.
Siirry tästä Merikarvian kunnan nykyisille verkkosivuille:
Suomeksi in English p� svenska
Tourism and Leisure
Accommodation and Restaurants
Hiking and Boating
Oura Archipelago
Fishing and Marinas
Free-time Centre and Library
Tourism and Leisure

Tourism and Leisure

Along the Scenic Route to Merikarvia
Merikarvia is a lively coastal municipality. The sea, the river Merikarvianjoki rich in fish, and the exotic Oura archipelago are popular tourist attractions. Beautiful island views attract travellers to stop by the sea. Highway E8 creates good connections for people coming both from the south and from the north. The municipal centre is located along Rantatie, a road by the coast of the Bothnian Gulf. The Rantatie road has received a national scenic route status. Popular attractions by the road are, for instance, Mericamping camping area, Kalakierros fishing route by the river Merikarvianjoki, Koivuniemen Herra farm, and Merikievari, a dance pavilion-restaurant. Down by the sea, you can stop by Art Gallery Vanha Savu that hosts interesting events and exhibitions all summer long. You can also take a tour in the Oura archipelago.

In summer, there are approximately 500 beds available for tourists and, in winter, more than 200 beds.

Updated 9.5.2011 - Printer friendly version -
 Merikarvia municipality • Kauppatie 40, 29900 Merikarvia • tel. +358 44 724 6333 •
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